

Ezra teaches us….

Ezra Truth in Action EZRA TEACHES Growing in Godliness Godly living involves taking a stand for what we believe and for tasks God has called us to accomplish, even in the face of fear and opposition EZRA INVITES 3:3 Persevere in your faithfulness to God and His...

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Choose your words carefully

Empowering leaders choose their words very carefully in private conversations and in public ministry. They will intentionally speak these kind of words: 1.Encouraging words – “You are making a difference around here.” 2.Positive identity words – “You are a person...

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If I cannot rule over my thoughts, what kind of influence am I going to have ruling and reigning with Christ My inability to choose joy in any given situation only reveals my inability to find victory over my emotions I get alone with God spend time with Him and...

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