
Choose your words carefully

Empowering leaders choose their words very carefully in private conversations and in public ministry. They will intentionally speak these kind of words:

1.Encouraging words – “You are making a difference around here.”
2.Positive identity words – “You are a person of great strategic insight. This gifting is taking our organization to higher levels.”
3.Specific thanksgiving words – “Here are three reasons I appreciate you: a) You make people feel valued in your presence, b) Your belief in me has been a great strength to me, and c) Your prayer and worship life inspire me.”
4.“I understand you” words – “I know it’s important to you that I keep my room clean, so here is my plan to do this more consistently.”
5.“I see you” words – “I notice how you always make new people feel welcome and included.”
6.“I need you” words – “I just wanted you to know that we really need you here. You make us so much more successful.”
7.“Win-win” words – “You help me so much. What are the two most important things I can do to help you see your life dreams fulfilled?”
8.“I am proud of you” words – “I was thinking today of how proud I am of you. You are reliable, you do things with excellence, and you represent us so well.”
9.“You are significant and important” words – “You are important. What you do is connected to a bigger purpose and plan. We would not be nearly as successful without you.”
10.Prophetic destiny words – “You are being prepared for bigger influence in the days ahead. This position you have now is training you for those things.”
11.“You’ve got what it takes” words – “You can do it! Nothing is impossible for you!”
12.Hope-filled words – “There is always a solution. I don’t know what it is, but God has one for this situation.”
13.“Giving the benefit of the doubt” words – “I missed the meeting because it wasn’t on my calendar, but I might have missed something that was said about it in our earlier conversations.”
14.Celebration words – “Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that Melissa has done a great job with the hope project.
15.“You have a unique and strategic assignment” words – “Your temperament, experience, and skillset make you uniquely gifted for a special assignment. I would love to help you clarify the details of it.”
16.Declarative faith statement words – “Right now God is freeing people from depression” or “In this meeting people are getting physically healed.”