
From Around the World

Stiff Neck

GOD the HEALER! I came across a man sitting in line to have an X-ray taken as he was in a car accident and could not move his neck and was in much pain. I held his hand and commanded the pain to go and his neck to move...

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Testimony from Kampala, UGANDA

From Pastor Frank. Last week in our Sozo Healing Room. A lady who had pain in the right foot and numbness in the right hand down the right leg was healed by the power of God. Another kid with a tumor behind the right...

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Gabob – Child raised from the DEAD!

This child was brought to us tonight at 9 pm. He could barely breath. His feet were already cold While his tummy was Big preventing him from breathing. Surely he was dying. While we were praying he was just leaving us....

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Testimonies from France HR

A very beautiful evening yesterday: three women have been cured of back pain. One of them told us that we prayed for his shoulder a few months ago. She was suffering from intense pain due to a car accident, which...

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Kigale Rwanda – Sept 2017

In a village 90 minutes from Kigale Dennis had had a backache for some time. We laughed at the lie of the devil causing the pain and immediately the pain left. He was left in shock of the sudden healing! Most of the...

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Nairobi Kenya September 2017

A man with advanced cancer came for prayer for his constantly bleeding knee. Pastor Grace swished his scarf over the man's knee, cursing the cancer to die in Jesus name! The next day the man reported that he is healed....

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Uganda September 2017

KAMPALA – UGANDA 1. Lema is a tall man who was seated in front who had an ear problem. One ear was closed. When he went home he had a vision of mama Carol touching his ear and a pop came out of the ear and immediately...

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Good evening every one. As I was sharing this morning, I had an appointment this afternoon to go and pray for a lady who had a stroke and could barely stand on her feet due to a very severe backpain that kept her on...

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GABON’S SWIMMING POOL HEALING ROOM REPORT 2016 RAPPORT DE LA CHAMBRE DE GUERISONN 2016 DIRECTOR : Pasteur Augustin NJDOUMBI CO DIRECTOR : Ernestine NZIENGUI - Hypertension artérielle (mal de tête, palpitation, douleur...

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