Sharon Murphy says she and the Lord would go for walks and He would just speak to her about the land, and that was her training.
By cleansing the land first you are removing the enemy’s roots so that you can pour in the healing and pour in the destiny and the gifts that are there
When people sin the land is corrupted and when the land is corrupted, people are affected.
One of the most important things to know is that though it is warfare,
they do not directly engage the enemy.
They are part of a covert operation where the enemy does not know who or what happened,
while at the same time he knows that his legal access has been taken away.

There’s a park in Spokane that was so defiled that the team were a bit freaked out to go in, but they went in under His cover, removed the roots that were there and now it is a beautiful park.
She visited a place that she had not seen since praying over it and now there are new buildings and families have moved in there.
When Cain murdered Abel it says in Genesis 4:10-11
Your brothers voice cries out from the ground…….When you till the ground it shall no longer yield its strength to you.
Most sin and the sins that damage the land are connected to 4 main roots:
Sexual immorality
Broken covenant
Bloodshed or murder is equated with anger towards or dishonour of another
As sin separated man from God the earth was contaminated by the defilement of sin and kept from the fullness of its purpose.
1 Chronicles 33
For the Lord is coming to judge the earth
Isaiah talks about priestly people who repair and restore the foundations of many generations
Isaiah 58:12
Those from among you shall build old waste places
He is asking us to restore His kingdom
Exodus 19:6
And you will be for me a kingdom of priests
That was the OT. How much more is our authority in the NT?
Psalm 110:4
You are a priest forever under the order of Melchizadec
Melchizadec is the new priesthood covenant
As carriers of the life of Christ in us, we have the unction and responsibility to expect our lives to heal, free and bless the people and places our lives touch.
People don’t know it, but as priests we are making it a better place for them to live in
John 20:23
Whose sins you forgive, I forgive and whose sins you retain, I retain.
Sin needs to be pulled out by the root, and God knows the root.
As priests we go into the Father’s presence and get what we need, then we go out using our royal authority.
As we declare forgiveness to those who have sinned, it is an act of faith that uproots the sin and its effect.
Sin creates a place for the enemy to occupy.
It gives him opportunity to carry out his tactics.
As sons and daughters we pull down those strongholds and remove the enemy’s legal access by administering what Jesus paid for with His blood.
Forgiveness of sin removes his place
How is the creation liberated from sin?
The same way we are
By the great power of the blood of Jesus.

They were once allowed into a school
And as a team they asked God who they were supposed to forgive
He actually had them forgiving the land and the
person the school was named after.
They prayed throughout the school and stopped in a passage outside a classroom to pray, not knowing who were inside
The next week the teacher who was inside the classroom where they prayed, who has a very difficult class of homeless children, could not believe the transformation in the behaviour of the children.
They also saw that these children were really going to impact the school and the community and spoke prophetic words over them.
At their graduation that year the Principal did not mention the grades or the sport achievements, he mentioned the 13, 14 year old’s involvement with the community.
They were making meals for the poor and hungry and had made more meals than any other school had ever made.
They raised their own funds. They went on to do bigger projects for the community.
Its so simple.
We forgive whoever sinned.
God’s people have the authority and the ability to forgive those who have sinned. When they do, the land is healed.
If we don’t know we generalise.
We forgive all who have sinned
We wash those who sinned and the land with the blood of the Lamb
Then we pour healing onto them and the land by declaring words of life, freedom and blessing.
Declare prophetic words of destiny
Ask God to send angels to keep, nurture and tend to what we have released.

John 20:21-23
Jesus is commissioning His disciples as ROYAL PRIESTS
Peace to you.
As the Father has sent Me, so I send you. And when He had said this He breathed on them and said to them, receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven, and if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.
Forgiving people on a personal level is important, but forgiving others in your God-given authority as royal priests is powerful as well as transforming
In the old covenant the priests were the ones who offered the sacrifices and cleansed the people from sin.
In the New Testament the shed blood is the sacrifice that cleanses the sin.
It is the blood in forgiveness that cleanses the land too.

The term, ”identificational repentance” is used to describe a type of intercession in which you stand in the place of and represent the person or people group who sinned against another individual or people group.
Then you identify with their sin and you ask those wounded and God to forgive what happened in the past, sometimes many generations.
When we stand in the gap to forgive someone’s sin,
we stand in authority as sons of the King
and a breaker anointing is released.
People are set free, healed and delivered and so is the land.
Through forgiveness by the blood of Jesus demonic structures are demolished and people are restored back to His presence.
2 Corinthians 5
We are ambassadors of reconciliation and ROYAL PRIESTS
1 Peter 2 9
But you are a chosen generation, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a holy nation.
In our relationship with God we enter the priesthood as sons and daughter because of the life we received from union with Jesus
As royal priests, we are kings and priests and we have a powerful combined anointing.
As kings we have the authority to administer all that we receive as priests in heaven with Christ.
A righteous king removes the root issues when problems arise in his kingdom.
As sons and daughter we are peacemakers
Peace is not the absence of something. It is the presence of Him
When people sin and the land is defiled giving access to the enemy to kill steal and destroy, we like Abraham, Moses, Esther and many others forgive those who have sinned and that removes the enemy’s legal access in that person or particular place so that the person or land can be healed and at peace.
They called together a team of like-minded, Spirit-filled believers to heal the land
Before an assignment they wait and worship together as a team.
About 10 or 20 get together and share what has been laid on their hearts.
They receive words, pictures etc
Sometimes they get different pictures, but ask the Lord for guidance
They put on the whole armour of God
Group A will stay and pray while group B will go out on the land
A person will be assigned to send text messages of things are highlighted to the group on the land
The land group ask questions like:
What is the destiny that is meant to be here?
What is the glorious liberty it is meant to carry?
Whose sin is allowing the enemy access?
Then we as kings and priests forgive those who sinned.
Their prayers are detailed and usually very thorough.
It is not their job to blame, make excuses for behaviour, judge them, or take sides.
They simply forgive all who have sinned as the Spirit leads
They continue till the Lord says they have finished or as He directs.
Before a person joins the team they are asked to have transformation prayer.
And to do Healing Rooms training
The time when God told them to go into the Mt of influence they were invited to another place to teach on what they are doing.
Just before leaving the Lord tells them its going to be
The owners of this business owned the oldest building in the city that was a business.
The owners really wanted to help the people in the town.
We prayed and saw that people who were being cheated resulting in mistrust
The owners said that is exactly what had happened.
The first people who built on that plot just took the land and did not pay the native Americans for the land.
They forgave those who broke covenant and just built on the land that was not their own. Over the years, this scenario has been repeated over and over again.
No one trusted one another
They said they came into that town to help the people but there is no trust.
The next day they went out with many teams and forgave the people who broke covenant.
They forgave the white man and forgave the native Americans who subsequently broke covenant.
They do not engage the enemy and want to stay in a place of protection.
We just bring healing
They did this as royal priests.
They forgave the original land/business owner and removed the enemy’s legal access and released the healing and blessings of the Father, restoring the business and land back to the Father’s original intent
If the people who broke covenant were there, if there was a group they would do representational forgiveness,
But even then it has more power when they stand as royal priests because they identify with Christ with what He has already done.
We are identifying with the work of the cross and it has all been taken care of already
By identifying with Jesus and Who He is and what HE has done, we bring the power to heal
Often people and family members break covenant with each other – there is a lot of witchcraft, manipulation, control – they will show up
We see a lot of the things that show up – like that little town, the churches did not trust each other
We had no idea how deep that root had gone till we dealt with it
Then we had a message 3 weeks later to say, we cannot believe that we are all getting along great
Now the community of believers are working together
Staying under the authority and protection of the wings of the Father, the enemy did not know what hit him, but the light of the kingdom now shines brighter in that place.
A woman shared….
My mother made a covenant over me with the witches when I was born
Now I have a problem and I come to you for prayer
Do I have to break that covenant that my mother made?
Jesus is the covenant keeping God and His covenants pre-empt every other covenant, and so
Instead of breaking the covenant you have them forgive the people who did that to them – forgive the mother, the grand mother
If they have made a covenant they are not part of the royal priesthood yet, so they don’t have the same authority as we do as priests
Its better for them to accept the Lord first
Then they have the Holy Spirit
Then they will have that sonship that they will not even understand yet, but they are adopted in
Now they can forgive the person or people who made the covenant
They can forgive themselves
I believe that those broken and wounded people and going to get saved, and they are going to get everything.
They are going to get what Christ died for.
They may still have some healing but they are not going to be so broken

We had a woman we’ve prayed for a few times and we knew when we prayed for her that she had been adopted from Korea as a baby.
We found out that her mother had dedicated her to the gods even though the mother gave her up
So we had her forgive her mother for dedicating her to the gods
Then she came back and said wow who knew it would be so simple
She just was not getting breakthrough and now she has total breakthrough
There are times when there are word curses spoken by our parents
We forgive them for the word curses
We forgive ourselves for believing
Sometimes your mom or dad have said you are going to be this or that and you believed them
You say, I forgive myself for believing who they say I am and for not believing who God says I am
Forgive the parents for not seeing who they truly are and for what their destiny was
The parents have broken covenant by saying those things
We don’t place blame on them
We only forgive them
And that is huge

I am not anti counselling, but we have experienced that those who come from counsellors are the hardest to get delivered, because they are used to the thought that they are not going to get healed right now.
We have to tell them. Now what if you get healed?
We have seen people getting totally delivered, we see it, they confess it, then they’ll go back to the counsellor and come back without their deliverance.

If someone is really really bad we will maybe take 3 appointments with them, but that is if they are really bad.
If they are not getting it by then, because it is not a magic potion, we have to explain to them that you have to walk it out till you are free.
What we do is that that we forgive the people who sinned against them, then they forgive themselves
What happens is when sin happens to us, we learn really bad survival modes, like self-reliance, self-pity, self-protection, self-preservation, all those things are idolatry!
So when we forgive those things in our own hearts and surrender back to the Lord then we are walking in peace, and peace means wholeness
But what we do with them is say, this is not just for us to do, this is for you to take home
When the Lord reminds you of somebody else, you forgive them.
Then you ask the Lord, what part or role have I taken on that I need to forgive myself for?
Sometimes there’s bitterness, unforgiveness, anger
But you are a victor in Christ Jesus
You are not a victim we are going to get rid of this
Victims blame and blame is a form of idolatry
If I blame you for my condition then I am saying you are bigger than God in my life

We had a very big Masonic temple in downtown Spokane, and it had been there for over 100 years, but it has closed down since we started praying
We just went and forgave the people who had sinned and asked the Lord what to forgive and were not even sure because it can be soo messy.
We just forgave simple and it didn’t take us that long
Then there was another out in Hilliar, and after we prayed it closed down and IS A CHURCH NOW!!!

When we are doing this TRANSFORMATION on people we know its deliverance, because every once in a while we get a manifestation, but we just tell them they cant manifest, no not in this room, and the person just calms down
We had a woman coming to us who had all sorts of things
She was in the deliverance ministry and she had been through deliverance herself.
She came to us and she said, I have got more freedom today than in all the deliverance I have ever been through
and you guys did it so gently and so honouring, there was so much love that I really did not now this was possible
That’s what we try to do – we honour the person,
We look at each person and think, That person has the destiny and the potential to change the world
So…its as simple as saying:
“As a royal priest I forgive my grandfather, my father and my brother for their involvement in the Freemasons,
I forgive them for breaking covenant
I forgive them for idolatry
I forgive them for bloodshed
I forgive them for sexual morality
I particularly forgive them for word curses spoken over our family
Or any oaths they made that have brought harm to my daughters and any other members of my family.
I wash them with the blood of Jesus
I forgive them for their involvement in influencing others to become members of the Freemasons,
I forgive them for using people instead of loving people
I forgive them for the idolatry of covetessness and greed
They placed stuff before people in their lives,
and I wash them with the blood of Jesus

Probably you would have been harmed had you not come under the blood covenant of Christ – that is what I sense.
Even though you might have done this several times, (as I have) when you do this as a royal priest, there’s a breaker.
I did it with Henry, my husband, doing the renouncing
You are as much a royal priest as he has as a royal priest
He has authority as a husband, but as a royal priest after the order of Melchizadec, he has no more authority as a royal priest than you do, because its neither male nor female nor children…
Because its your family and also because you forgive
John 20:21-23
Jesus comes into the room after His resurrection and the disciples are there and He commissions them, “As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.”
That is definite commissioning
He said My peace I leave with you and our authority is in our peace
Peace means that we have authority over the chaos, the confusion and the sin and everthing else the enemy has tried to throw our way.
Then Jesus blew on them and said, receive the Holy Spirit then He said
“Whose sins you forgive I forgive and whose sins you retain I retain.”
That is the scripture that most churches don’t pay attention to
When you are commissioned it means with authority of the one who has commissioned you.
Does it mean we just indiscriminately go round and forgive?
It has to be by the Spirit
We have seen remarkable changes in people who we have forgiven sins, for example,
In relationships we’ve had people we’ve prayed with whose had ….
A young man came to us, he had a wife and 4 kids
His wife would not sleep with him anymore, she went out partying
They were Christians but stopped spending time with him and the kids at home,
She told him ,”I’m done.”
She wanted to leave him and the kids and he was really upset about it.
He came to us so humble. He was taking responsibility for the kids
Then he started blaming himself and said,
I worked too hard, I did not spend enough time at home and with her, I was not there when she needed me and I thought if I was working I could provide for the family and that was enough and so I know she’s really hurt …
So we led him first of all in a prayer of forgiveness.
We went back in his family and said ok, lets do some generational stuff here cos we saw it straight away
He saw it coming up so he just forgave his parents and his grandparents for their role in him being too self-reliant, self-focussed.
Then we had him forgive his wife
Then we had him release over his wife who she really is
Because we removed the sin, the enemy is removed.
We did not tell him
When he left the Holy Spirit told us that she, his wife, was having an adulterous affair, so we, in our role as priests, forgave her for the idolatry, cos she’s putting herself instead of her family first, sexual immorality. We did not tell him
Two days later we get a call round lunch time – his wife had come to hi that morning and said, I don’t know what I was thinking. I was lying in bed last night and all of a sudden I realised how blessed I am to have you and to have a God that would forgive me for all this but is it too late, will you forgive me? I want to start repairing our marriage.
She did not know that he prayed for her.
While we sin we are giving him place
What we have done by forgiving is you have got rid got the sin.
That’s how you break the ability of the sin to have power in someone’s life.
Now they have the free choice
So what happened with this woman for example, by removing the guilt of the sin from her – her husband did it, he just forgave her and he even said things about her calling out her destiny ad callings out things about her that were true, really sweet things and this is who she is and she’s such a great mom and she’s been such a good wife etc.
Without even knowing, she now had the choice to choose to be who she really was because we removed the enemy’s access to her.
He had legal rights to her because of the sin.
She confessed to her husband what the Holy Spirit had revealed to us and he forgave her.

It’s almost like the enemy knows how to build strongholds and that’s what he tries to do and then by building those strongholds, it gives principalities and powers the legal access to our cities
But when we begin demolishing those strongholds by forgiving sin his strongholds are gone!
It’s basically like a pack of cards cos we have seen it happen over and over again.
You find out what the root of the sin is, and the Lord is the one who reveals that. Many times we will not have a clue, but He always shows us.
It’s like taking that bottom card and everything comes tumbling down.
And everything that is built on it that seems so big, suddenly you realise, oh no, he only had access because of this.

We have seen some demonic stuff.
We were in one place that was especially dark.
The Lord gave us a way to do it.
We had a team that stayed behind and prayed for us and sent us texts of things they were seeing as they were praying.
We had a team that went into the building that we needed to deal with and then we had a team that actually stood outside the building
We did not know why He told us to do it that way – but it was so dark we only knew when we got inside.
That time we actually saw a really large demon and knew why we needed all the teams.
The Lord gives us what the bottom layer is.
The woman who lived in this house had been abused as a child by her priest, her daughter was raped, her daughter was gay.
All to do with sexual morality
By forgiving the sin the land is cleansed, then we wash with the blood
We don’t have to say ,”I cleanse the land.”
By forgiving the land is cleansed.
We just ask the Lord who sinned here
We don’t forgive the sin – we forgive the person who sinned and then
Once we forgive them – sometimes there are layers…
We’ve been in a place where we said ok Lord, What do You want us to do and we got 3 different pictures of roots. We forgave those.
In schools it could be the land mountain of education, mountain of government and the land itself that the school is built on that could have been defiled.

Father I pray that the person reading this will help to bring about the great commission as they preach the good news to all of creation;
That they would simply and humbly bring the Lamb the reward of His suffering as they fulfil the will of God for their life whatever and however You have purposed in Your heart.
That they would preach the good news to the poor, heal the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to bring comfort and consolation to those who grieve, and to rebuild the old ruins, raise up the former desolations of many generations, and repair the ruined cities.
Father I believe that you want to use this one in Your authority as a royal priest to labour with You as You revive, reform and revitalise Your church, and bring about the greatest harvest of the ages.
So I ask that you reveal what their part is and then lead them as they partner with You to answer the prayer of our Lord Jesus and of the church throughout the generation,
You kingdom come, Your will be done on earth s it is in heaven.
That the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever.
I bless Your beloved child in Jesus’ mighty name