There are four main areas of life where this meditation (self-talk) takes place.
1. Conclusions About Self: Who do we think we are? We can use neither our experience nor our feelings to conclude this. Joel says, “Let the weak say I am strong” (Joel 3:10). We are to create our identity-beliefs from God’s Word and not from our experience. 

2. Conclusions About Others: The Bible says that love “believes all things, hopes all things” (I Corinthians 13:7). Our thoughts about others will either help release them into a higher place or become a hindrance in the spirit realm for them (especially if we are a person of influence in their lives). Even in times when we must confront difficult situations in relationships, we can still guard our hearts and seek to see the person as God sees them. 

3. Conclusions About God: Just as we cannot create our “identity-beliefs” from our experience, we cannot create our theology from it either. Our “God-concept” must be strongly defended from demonic lies that raise doubts about God’s will, His goodness, His power and the details of our salvation. 

4. Conclusions About Our Circumstances: Hear this truth – how we respond to what is happening is almost always more important than what is happening. We must purpose to not draw conclusions about circumstances without first meditating (thinking) on God’s promises, love and goodness like never before