Father I send the word of healing to every person here.
Father I curse trauma in their heart in their life, in their entire body.
I command every bit of trauma to go in Jesus name.
I curse any form of bi-polar, schizophrenia fibromyalgia, whatever it is
I curse that and I command it to be gone
I command the electro-magnetic frequencies in your body to return to perfect harmony and balance in Jesus name
I command your hormones to return to perfect harmony and balance in Jesus name
Father part of this trauma that the people have gone through it’s like it’s such a visual thing, constantly in their head.
All they can think about is the trauma.
God Inside, our hearts are shredded and we carry memories from trauma Abandonment, abuse
God wipe away all memories
God wipe out every memory of every wound no matter how bad it was
Father right now in the name of Jesus I thank you that you are with us right now and erasing all those memories that are bad.
Going through and erasing all the pain of the past that there’s no pain in their heart there’s no pain where they were hurt
there’s no pain in their head from what people have said,
there’s no pain and trauma in their heart from things that were spoken over them
Father right now in the name of Jesus I thank You for completely and totally wiping out every bit.
Say thank You Jesus.
In Jesus name