

Receiving a prophetic word

I will regularly post here what I sense the Lord saying. This is not for one person only. If this word resonates with your spirit, receive it for yourself, meditate on it, lay it out before you and dream about this word becoming a reality in your life. There is a...

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What to get excited about


: You get to learn how to walk in hope, joy, and love before you experience breakthrough.
You get to develop greater compassion for others with long-standing, unchanging situations.
You get to trust God and believe He is good, even when...

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Transcend Barriers

I sense the Lord saying…… You are finding yourself on the verge of a beautiful green meadow and there is a wobbly picket fence in front of you that you keep looking into, but you see it as an obstacle that you cannot transcend. The meadow is greener on the other...

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