“The same way that Jesus became flesh, the Holy Spirit becomes words, and when they are spoken, they bring life.”
Most born-again people know what it’s like to be in confusion or trouble and have someone speak a word that brings a supernatural invasion of peace into their soul. You might not even have all of the answers you thought you needed five minutes ago, but for some reason, you don’t care. Their words were the spirit of revelation from God Himself. The same way that Jesus became flesh, the Holy Spirit becomes words, and when they are spoken, they bring life (John 6:63). We wrap our hearts around it, and eventually it will start making sense.
Some people get torrents of revelation, and others don’t. This may depend on how we build our support structure. There are pillar truths in the gospel that form the most basic foundation of the structure. A man of understanding accepts God’s additions and doesn’t question them. He is not double-minded about them. That’s how a person of understanding attracts greater understanding. You treasure something that God says, and that builds a foundation for greater revelation.
Another way to attract revelation is to obey what we know. One man came to Jesus and asked what to do to gain eternal life ( Luke 10 25-28). Jesus said, “What does it say to do? The man pressed Jesus for more, but Jesus wouldn’t give him any new information. Until he walked in obedience, he wasn’t going to get more.
Obedience is a signal to God that says, “God, I want to go the next step.” That tender heart draws the spirit of revelation to a person and/or to a body of people. They begin seeing and hearing things they never heard or saw before. The Bible even says, “He will seal up that instruction in our heart in the night while we sleep” (Job 33:15-16).
Bill Johnson
The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind
Chapter 3, pages 69-70
Destiny Image Publishers